Women have a higher rate of sexual dissatisfaction than men. Many women are not happy with their sex life or even with the man they love. Tana lives with anger buried in her heart, even if she does not express it, many people cannot talk openly about her dissatisfaction in sexual life. But why is it like this? Why do many women remain unhappy and dissatisfied in their sexual lives?
1) Misconceptions and ignorance: Lack of proper sexual education is the main reason why women remain unhappy in their sexual life. Many women still ignore that sex is not only a means of procreation but also a pleasure for both men and women. They remain unhappy and dissatisfied because they don't know what to do or how to make sex more pleasurable.
2) Not understanding oneself: Lack of knowledge or lack of understanding of what one really wants, how the body responds to something, what parts are sensitive in sex or what the body needs, etc. It is also a major cause of unhappiness in sexual life.
3) Not being able to say what you want: You can understand yourself, you know your needs, but you can't say what you don't like. This is one of the main reasons why women remain dissatisfied in their sexual lives. Many women can't even tell their male partner that they are unhappy in their sex life.
4) Embarrassment and shyness: Many women feel that girls are not allowed to talk about sex, or that it is too embarrassing for girls to talk about sex or show sexual desire. That is why they keep their heart's desire in their mind.
5) Male partner selfishness: Most men are not interested in satisfying their partner's sexual needs. Rather, they begin to behave selfishly when their own needs are met. This is also one of the main reasons why women remain dissatisfied.
6) Misconceptions about orgasm: The orgasm or supreme pleasure is not only for men. Many women do not know that women can have orgasms just like men in every sexual relationship. Women remain unhappy due to ignorance about how to achieve orgasm, what positions facilitate orgasm, etc.
7) Shy about physical and mental problems: Do you have no interest in sex or do you feel any physical problems related to sex? Most women do not go to the doctor in such a situation. As a result, their sex life remains horrible due to lack of treatment.
8) Fears around sex: Many women have various fears around sex. As a result, they can never have an easy attitude towards this matter, they are always confused about the matter.