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PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT TASKS (PAT) FOR GRADE 12 DANCE STUDIES 2012 TEACHER GUIDELINES The School Based Assessment (SBA) program in grade 12 includes six tasks in total, including THREE performance assessment tasks ( PAT), ONE test and TWO exams. Grade 12 School Based Assessment TERM 1 TERM 2 TERM 3 PAT 50 points PAT 50 points PAT 50 points Exam 50 points Written Exam 150 points Practical Exam 150 points Written Practice Exam 150 points Practical Practice Exam 150 points 100 points 350 points 350 points 100 350 350 = 800 divided by 8 to convert to 100 SBA scores Please note that there are changes to the SBA and external examination requirements. 1. Students will have SIX assignments for SBA instead of seven assignments. The 3rd semester test has been discarded due to lack of time. 2. Group dances and choreography will be evaluated internally as part of the SBA and will not be part of the external practical exams. 1. REQUIREMENTS: PAT TASKS FOR DANCE STUDIES The Performance Assessment Task (PAT) for Dance Studies consists of three separate tasks, which are completed throughout the year, one per trimester. To help with planning and curriculum coverage, aspects of the theory have been linked to the PAT. The grades awarded for the theoretical tasks are part of the informal evaluation. Both informal and formal preparations for each PAT should be recorded in a journal or workbook or file kept specifically for Dance Studies. Written preparation should include research, assignments, planning, reflection, and any other records necessary to prepare for a performance in Dance Studies.